The Knoxville Downtown Sertoma Club

Service To Mankind

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Greg Mackay | Former Knox County Election Commission | May 16th

Chris Hoosier was responsible for bringing us Greg Mackay; I don’t know how he knew him, but he was great. He’s been overseas 7 times all to third world countries and says we should thank God every day that we live in America.  It took two and a half hours to drive from the airport to his hotel, not because of the distance but because the roads are so bad and the traffic worse.  They are extremely proud of their subway system and Greg said it us decorated well and has a statue to “Mother Russia” that is twice the size of our Statue of Liberty. He was there to observe an election and the one-person apposing Putin was put in jail and then told he didn’t qualify for election because of it. The day before any election all campaigning must stop, we should consider adopting that.

Next week:  We have our service project with Mobile Meals.  Have a great time and I will be thinking about you while I lounge on the beach in South Carolina.

Proposed slate of officers for next year:  These will be voted on in 2 weeks. 

Jacob Tippens, president; Matt Hall, president elect; Marianne Greene, VP & speaker chair; Alan Stuckey, VP & co-chair membership; Lee Freeman, VP & co-chair membership; Brett Grimm – VP special events; Andy Schoerner – treasurer; Linda Price, bulletin editor; Carol Mohney, secretary; Bert West – Sgt. At Arms; Chris Hoosier, parliamentarian; Allie Harmon & Mike McKinney, visitation; Bob Rentenbach, Chaplin & greeter; Chris Kerr, Chairman of the Board.