Sandra Clark | Election Predictions | Aug 1st
The election is behind us and I was pleased with the outcome. We made the national news – it was reported we elected a professional wrestler as mayor. Seems the “scruffy little city” just can’t get a break. All of Sandra’s predictions came true and I got the feeling she is definitely not a President Trump fan.
I would be willing to bet even if he knew it wouldn’t keep him up nights. I worked at West Valley Middle School. We voted a total of 501 persons and 2 of them were my daughter-in-law and granddaughter (her first-time voting). One picked Republican and the other Democrat, they should have stayed home!
It’s much harder when you have two candidates running for the same office and you really like both. I was impressed with Mattock and Burchett really “pounded the pavement”. You couldn’t go to any function he didn’t show up too. Sandra seem to think he (Burchett) plans to move on up. We can sit back and say “I knew him when. . . . . “
The cost of campaigning I’m sure keeps a lot of good people from running. Sandra said thousands of dollars had been spent (this is a matter of public record, how much they spent and where they got it) and wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall after and election you lost and have the wife say – “don’t ever mention how much I spend on shoes again”